Friday, February 9, 2018

Valentine's Party

Before I recap the party, the night before Adelyn had a Tumbling Showcase. It was just a little celebration to show what the girls have been working on. 
 I have never been able to do this! 
 Adelyn got the award for "Best Backwalkover". She was proud! She's so close to getting her back handspring. Coach Nick and Coach Jordan said some really sweet things about her. Nick said he adores her and that she's a perfectionist. 

On to the party the next day....

Last year, Adelyn hosted some friends at our house for a little Valentine's Party on February 3rd. It's a great way to meet her "new" friends in school and meet the moms. She wanted to do it again this year! 

James opted to go to a friend's house during the party rather than be surrounded by squealing girls. He decorated cookies for his buddy and himself and went on his merry way. 
 We had some sweet girls over! 

 Grandma bought these 2 matching shirts. Melissa and I didn't know it, but both put the girls in their new shirts. 
We had to get in on the fun too
 We started the party off with some fun games. The first game was balancing 3 candy hearts on a craft stick and walking across the room
 It was actually pretty hard! I think a tongue depressor would work better, as it's wider
 These sweet girls did team work and helped each other out!
 This game was called "Heart to Heart". They had to walk across the room carrying a balloon with NO hands

 They loved this game! They got in two teams and had to shake the candy hearts from the first water bottle down to the second water bottle (they're duct taped together). There were 80 hearts in each bottle. Adelyn and James loved counting those out for party prep (and eating them in the process)

After the games, it was time for cookies! Mrs. Rachael, James's teacher from last year, is an amazing baker and whipped these delicious cookies up for me. 
 They also had snacks- pink frosted animal crackers, popcorn, and strawberry fig newtons. The drink was Sprite mixed with a Pineapple/Strawberry fizzy drink. 
Mrs. Rachael also sent TONS of cool sprinkles for the girls to use. Flu season is awful this year, so each girl washed their hands, got their own knife for icing and spoon for sprinkles, got strict instructions NOT to put anything in their mouths or use their fingers :) 

 Cutie pies!
 After cookies, we did crafts! The girls decorated little candy holders (and put sixlets inside) and made heart glasses
I had more games planned (a scavenger hunt, charades, and a heart tossing game), but they wanted to go outside! That was perfect! It wasn't too cold out and they burned off some energy! We just got monkey bars added to our playground, so I think Adelyn was pumped to show them to her friends. 

I love her friends, and I have a feeling this will be a yearly occurrence! However, after 13 girls were here running around and giggling Seth and I took a nap and then had a glass of wine. Ha, ha! 

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