Thursday, July 28, 2011

One month already?

James is 5 weeks old now! I took him to his one month appointment a couple days ago. I was so excited that he'd gained almost three pounds! He weighed 9 pounds 1.2 ounces (30th percentile), was 21 1/2 inches long (43rd percentile), and his head circumference was 14 3/4 inches. James is a great baby! He's still eating every 3 hours during the day and going 4-6 hours at night. Every morning I feed him at 7 am. I have to have him fed before Adelyn gets makes things much easier! I think Mr. James is holding his head up really well for his age! He's also rolled over from front to back several times (starting at 2 1/2 weeks old). When he's awake, he's very alert. We're not on any kind of nap schedule yet. Luckily, Adelyn still sleeps 2-3 hours in the afternoon, so I get a chance to get some things done (and squeeze in a nap!).

Adelyn went through a week of being such a headache! I think it was a combination of having a new brother, Seth being gone (he's had 3 races in a month), and just being a two year old. She was pitching fits and not listening. She has never been ugly to James. I felt like all I was doing was saying "no" and being so negative. I don't enjoy that. I started a behavior chart (yes, I'm a teacher!). She gets a star every time she minds. Ten stars gets her a reward (so far, it's been a trip to Dairy Queen or Cold Stone Creamery....a win-win in my book!). I think she needs to get around other kids, so I've been diligent about scheduling frequent play dates. It's also good for me....not getting out makes you climb the walls very quickly. She has been much better lately, thank goodness!

We've had some great dinners provided by friends and Junior Service League. That was much appreciated! We're grateful for all the help from Seth's parents and my parents. My mom has come 3 out of 5 weekends to help while Seth is gone and Seth's mom is always doing things for us  (providing food, keeping Adelyn, etc).

Jeff and Seth holding Dean and James...they're 17 days a part. Mae and Adelyn are a month a part- I swear, this is NOT planned!

Loved seeing my favorite girls! Bella and James are 9 days a part!

More favorite girls!!
Seth and I celebrated our 6th anniversary with a gourmet delivered dinner. Adelyn stayed at Grandma and Grandpa's and James hung out in his swing on the deck for a couple hours. It was a much needed date night! :)

Mr. James is starting to smile! LOVE HIM!!!

sweet siblings in their jammies

1 comment:

Katherine said...

He is rolling over already?!?!! Wow!