Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Two Year Check Up Stats

I took Adelyn to the doctor last week. No surprise- we still have a giant girl. She's 37 inches tall (98th percentile), 30 pounds 12 ounces (88th percentile), and her head circumference is 19 1/4 inches (83rd percentile). Everything checked out great. Ever since she started walking, I have noticed that her feet slightly turn in. I've mentioned it at each visit, and they've told me there's nothing they really do until later (why add something else when they're trying to master the task of walking and it could self correct). I brought it up again and the doctor said now that she's two and it hasn't improved that we should take her to a Pediatric Orthopedist. So....that's next on the list. Hopefully it won't be anything too crazy! I asked the doctor if she'd have a bar between her ankles and she laughed and said they don't do that anymore. Shew!


Katherine said...


Funny your pediatrician said no to the bar between the feet. One of my twins needed that done and had the bar and the ortho shoes. (He's 4 now.) Good luck and let me know if you have questions about how ours went.

Clarabella said...

GoodNESS, she's as big as Liam. She was so petite next to him when we saw you in December!